bridges4iNNObiz KLG Switzerland gives you the freedoom to unlock the full potential of best running project business. Organize everyrthing in one space, from project and real options using our innovative risk valuation formula for a capital investment to the real invesment.
Bridges for iNNOvative Business between West and Ost. bridges4iNNObiz KLG is a Swiss General Partnership based in 8867 Niederurnen. We have emerged since 2014 our company ROSALIA LEYKAUF CONSTRUCTION and ENGINEERING and have expanded our business activities transnational. Under the motto '' A bridge to Central Europe'' we all together aim to expand the horizont in the areas of project business, construction and engineering with local expertise and resources on both sides.
Our company is constantly evolving and growing.
We are a part of iNNOBIZ1 Ecosystem and Swiss Global Partner Network.
On our First iNNOBIZ1 Economic & Social Impact Investment Forum we offer a wide range of smart - next generation project-based services. Our mission is to provide the best solution that helps everyone. We calling all CHANGEMAKERS.
If you would like to contact us, please fill out the contact form.